Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Gathering the Ingredients for Mojitos
Such a refreshing drink especially on these HOT Summer days.  There's something about lime and mint that totally quenches your thirst.

Chopped Mint Leaves Steeping
  • +Trader Joe's 100% Organic Stevia Powder - to taste (if you want it very sweet, you will need many, many scoops)
  • 10 Large Ripe Limes
  • 1 Package Fresh Mint Leaves
  • 1 tsp. Real Vanilla
  • Ice
  • 1 Gallon (approx.) Filtered Water - 1 quart boiling/ 3 quarts very cold

Chop the mint leaves roughly and put in a large pitcher.  Add 1 quart boiling water over the top and let it steep for about 10 minutes.
Ice Ready
Great Thirst Quencher!

 While your mint is infusing into the water get your limes ready. Gently roll each lime on the counter to soften them and to release the juices inside for easier hand juicing.  Wash the limes in hot water.  Cut each lime in half and squeeze into the pitcher of mint. Try to get as much juice as possible and some of the pulp too.  You can also use hand juicers if you like, though if you are too rough with the limes you can also get a bitterness from the skin and peel.  Fill up the pitcher with cold water and a few handfuls ice, then start stirring in the Vanilla and the Stevia until it tastes sweet enough.

The mixture should be a little strong because you will be diluting it with lots of ice in your glass.  Have tall glasses filled with ice ready.  Pour your Mojito Mix over the top and have a sip.  So deliciously refreshing!  You will want more right away so keep the pitcher close by.

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