Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Weird" Cuisine

A Kiwano melon
One thing that I can't quite understand is why so many people are not willing to try new foods. They prefer to just eat the same things every day. It's good to know your likes and dislikes, but how can you say that you don't like a food when you've never tried it? I don't mean that you should force yourself to eat things that are way out of your comfort zone, but why not pick up a new kind of vegetable or try out a different kind of spice? Don't be so quick to judge something that you have never experienced for yourself. There are so many foods around the world, and tastes that you can't even imagine. Push yourself to try something new at least once a week. Life is far too short to have preconceived opinions when you could easily obtain first-hand experience that you may enjoy.  Next time you're out grocery shopping and something "weird" catches your eye, buy it and do some research. You can learn how to prepare just about every food on the Internet. Don't be afraid; you might find a new favourite food.

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