Sunday, July 21, 2013

Pizza Bagels with Homemade Sauce

Gathering the Ingredients for Pizza Bagels
Chopping the Tomatoes
I had a grand idea, I would buy all the ingredients for Pizza Bagels.  I would have my youngest son make them, and I would take pictures!  Sounded like a great idea to me, and to my son, at first.  He did really well until the onions and then towards the end, he gave up when all the toppings wouldn't fit nicely on to each bagel.  He kept commenting that we should have just made a regular pizza, which would have been a great idea, but I really was in the mood for a good bagel.

  • Pepperoni
  • Mozarella Cheese
  • 1 Dozen Medium Sized Bagels
  • Black Olives
  • 5 Roma Tomatoes - Chopped
  • 2 Yellow Bellpeppers
  • 1 Red Onion
  • 3 Cloves Garlic - Chopped
  • 1 tsp. Garlic Powder
  • 1 tsp. Basil
  • 1 Tbs. Olive Oil
  • 1 Mini-scoop 100% Organic Stevia Powder
  • Sprinkle Salt
  • Sprinkle Pepper
Simmering the Sauce

Opening the Cans of Olives
While I was at the store I envisioned making our own sauce with Roma tomatoes.  The tomatoes were nice and ripe at +Sam's Club, IT WAS A SIGN!  Making the sauce turned out to be simple, easy and flavorful. All it took to make it were a few Roma tomatoes, salt, pepper, olive oil, garlic powder, stevia and dried basil.  He chopped up the tomatoes, added the other ingredients and let it simmer while he prepared toppings and the bagels for the oven.  Every so often he came back to the sauce to give it a good stir (and a taste).

He preheated the oven to 350 degrees.  Next he used our little handy automatic battery operated can opener to open the olives.
Chopped Black Olives

He chopped up the olives.

Cutting the Red Onion

He cried cutting the onion.

Chopping the Yellow Bellpepper

He cleaned and chopped the yellow bellpepper

His Toppings All Ready To Go

 He grated the Mozzarella by hand, and did a great job.  I showed him how to clean the garlic  by crushing each and cutting the ends off, then he chopped it up.

Halving the Bagels and placing on greased sheet.

He greased the cookie sheets with butter and halved the bagels.

Spooning Sauce onto Bagels

By the time he did all that, the sauce was ready

Sauce on Bagels

 He spooned the sauce on to the bagel halves.

Adding the Grated Mozzarella Cheese

 He sprinkled the freshly grated Mozzarella cheese next.

Adding the Pepperoni

 Next he added the pepperoni.

Adding the Chopped Olives

After that he topped the bagels with the black olives.

Baking the Pizza Bagels

Baked Toasty, Gooey, Cheesy Pizza Bagels

 We basically just poured the remaining ingredients over the bagels and tried to cover as much bagel as possible.  We made "Cheese Only" bagels for the picky eaters and "Everything" bagels for the others.

We baked the Cheese Bagels for 10 minutes at 350 degrees.

Baked "Everything" Topped Bagels

We baked the other bagels for about 15 minutes.  We like our veggies still a little crunchy, so you can leave yours in a little longer, if you like them done a little more.

My Pizza Bagels - I topped mine with Cayenne.

So, it turned out to be a wonderful idea, with the son doing the cooking and also the homemade sauce.  The sauce was very flavorful.  I don't think I am going to be able to use a canned sauce ever again, it was that good!

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