Saturday, July 20, 2013

Tri-tip Soup

Salt and Pepper - Critical Ingredients in a Roast
I felt like soup.  I know it's 110 degrees and who wants soup, right?  I did.  I love the broth from a good soup.  Remember to always use salt and pepper on your Roast, especially if you are looking for a delicious broth.  I have done without, and it just isn't the same.
  • 2 Tri-Tip Roasts
  • 1 tsp. Salt
  • 1 tsp. Pepper
  • 3 Bulbs Garlic - cleaned, trimmed and cloves left whole
  • 3 Red Onions - Sliced
  • 1 Large Package French Green Beans - trimmed
  • 1 Stalk Celery - Chopped Thinly
  • Roasting the Tri-Tip in the Oven
  • 3 - 6 Cups Hot Water
Always salt and pepper both sides and Roast at 325 degrees with the fat side up.
I bought my tri-tip roasts at +Sam's Club.  They were the most tender, least fatty tri-tips I had ever bought AND I have bought a lot of tri-tips!

Garlic Bulbs
Whenever you are making a soup and want a flavorful broth use plenty of garlic. I clean my garlic in three assembly-line steps.
  • Break open the bulbs and release the cloves.
  • Crush each clove slightly to release the skin.
  • Red Onions
  • Use a paring knife to trim the end off while at the same time pulling off as much skin as possible. Most of the skin should practically fall off, if not use the tip of the knife to loosen whatever is still stuck.  This method requires rinsing the fingers and the knife a few times because the garlic gets everything a little sticky.
 I have tried many methods to clean garlic bulbs, but this is the fastest and easiest for me.  Also in leaving the cloves whole for a light soup, the cloves become almost potato-like.  I oftentimes look for those little bits of garlic to add to MY bowl of soup. Red Onions are my favorite onion, though I do love green onions too.
Prep all the veggies and have them ready to throw into the pot.

Nicely Roasted Tri-Tip
When the meat is browned very nicely (be sure it is browned nicely or you will have no beefy flavor in your soup) remove it from the oven and transfer it to the top of the stove. Turn the heat on high at first to get it simmering.

My Trusty Iron Dutch Oven

Little pot boil!

Adding the Veggies 

Add your veggies and hot water, put the lid on, reduce the heat and let simmer for a few minutes until the veggies are tender.

The Soup is Done

Tri-Tip Soup with Bread and Butter

When the veggies are cooked remove the meat and cut into nice sized slices. 

Serve with plenty of the broth and a nice chunk of bread with butter to dip in the broth.

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